Child-free since ’23

[A follow-up to my last post]

I made the decision, at the suggestion of my Ob/Gyn last year, to finally go through with a more permanent solution to birth control.

For those of you who haven’t been following along as closely, having a stroke most likely caused by birth control means that pregnancy can be a possible death sentence for me. So, in February, I had a consultation for a bilateral salpingectomy. (In laymen’s terms, that’s a full removal of both of my fallopian tubes.) I had a friend who’d had it done with little recovery time, and one of the benefits (besides the obvious) was that the surgery can also help prevent some types of fallopian cancer.

I had the actual surgery this past Friday, April 14th. I was a little bloated, cramped, and sore, but all in all- I feel pretty comfortable today- two days later. But mostly- I felt relieved.

Before surgery.
After- three little cuts. So long, little fallopian tubes!

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